Let we invite you for our upcoming sketchcrawl in the Cambridge Botanic Garden on Saturday, 13th of August 2016.
Meet at the main entrance to the Botanic Gardens in Bateman Street at 11.30. We will meet again at 2.00 in the cafe where a table will be reserved for us.
There is an admission charge for the Gardens.
Admission to the Botanic Garden is as follows:
Friends of CUBG: Free
on production of a valid Friends’ Membership Card
If you are a UK tax payer, please consider becoming a Gift Aid visitor
Gift Aid Adult: £5.50
Gift Aid Concession: £4.95
Concession: over 65s and students with a recognised identification card
Standard Adult: £5.00
Standard Concession: £4.50
Concession: over 65s and students with a recognised identification card
Children 0-16 inclusive: Free
must be accompanied by an adult at all times
Students at Cambridge University: Free
on production of a valid University Card
No admission charge is made for companions of disabled visitors without whose assistance the disabled visitor would be unable to gain access to the Garden.
Event on FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/283895958644164/
Sketching at the Botanic Gardens